
More #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't Theory And Explication 3402

#ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't Series
By Kevin A. Sensenig

2020 September 1

More #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't Theory And Explication

The exact quote, from the White House transcript, July 13, 2012:

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.  There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.  Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.  Somebody invested in roads and bridges.  If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.  The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.


Archived: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke, Virginia | The White House.pdf.

Recall!  Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  This was after the proud support of NATO, Europe, the Eastern Asian Bloc, and the Entire Freedom America!  Plus... Germany, India, Brazil, Russia, and China!  Indeed!  That's Patriot Freedom America te President Obama!  As he should have done, indeed, and thus did!  Enthusiasm Freedom President Obama! 

#ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't.  #ObamaDidHisPolicy.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't.

That's because...

"If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen." -- Obama said that.

Eighth grader says, "I don't have  my homework this morning, Teacher.  I don't have the homework assignment to hand in.  Obama did my homework.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't."

Ethics.  You didn't build your ethics.  Somebody else made that happen.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't

The Ethical System.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't.  Hegel's Ethical System in Philosophy Of Right.  Hegel didn't build that.  Somebody else made that happen.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't

Ethics.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't.  #ObamaInventedEthics.  #ObamaDidThatYouDidn't.  Hegel's Ethical System.  #ObamaDidThat.  #ObamaDidHegel'sEthicalSystem.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't

The entire book Hegel's Philosophy Of Right.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't.  #ObamaWroteHegel'sPhilosophyOfRight.  #ObamaPrintedHegel'sPhilosophyOfRight.  #ObamaPublishedHegel'sPhilosophyOfRight.  #ObamaMarketedHegel'sPhilosophyOfRight.  #TheGovernmentInventedTheInternetSoAllTheCompaniesCouldMakeMoneyOffTheInternet.  #YourCompanyObamaDidThat.YouDidn't.  #YourCompanyYouDidn'tBuildThatSomebodyElseMadeThatHappen.ObamaDidThatYouDidn't.  #ObamaBuiltYourCompanyToSellBooksOnTheInternet.ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't.  #YourCompanyThatSoldBooksOnTheInternet.YouDidn'tBuildThat.SomebodyElseMadeThatHappen.ObamaDidThatYouDidn't.
#ObamaSaidThat.  #ObamaBuiltYourBook.  #ObamaDidThat.YouDidn't.

In fact...


Copyright 2012-2020 Kevin A. Sensenig.